TS-Optics Adaptor with female T2 thread and male M48 (2" filter) thread - short

En existencia - 1 artículos disponibles
Código de producto: TSTST2-M48s
Precio regular €19,50 EUR IVA incluido
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El adaptador extiende una rosca macho T2 a una rosca de filtro M48x0,75 (2") sin aumentar la longitud.

  • Rosca hembra: T2 - M42x0.75
  • Rosca macho: Rosca de filtro de 2" - M48x0.75
  • Longitud: solo 2,5 mm: la longitud mecánica no es ópticamente efectiva, ya que el adaptador está completamente hundido en el adaptador de conexión

The adapter fits to a male T2-thread and extends it to an M48x0.75 2" filter thread. With this, you can use connection adapters with female M48x0.75 thread.

Another application is the reduction of a 2" filter thread to T2. Screw the adapter into the female M48x0.75 thread and then a female T2 thread is at your disposal.

The adapter itself is only 2.5 mm short. As it disappears entirely in the M48x0.75 connection thread, the adapter has no effective optical path. At one side, the adpter has two slots which make loosening from the connection adapter easy.

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