Auriga Amici-Prism Diagonal 1.25" (31.8mm)
Le redresseur d'image Auriga dispose d'un prisme Amici de haute qualité composé de verre BaK4 et avec toutes les surfaces traitées avec des revêtements antireflet efficaces, le tout pour assurer une transmissibilité maximale et minimiser la perte de luminosité et la modulation de contraste.
The telescopes can be used because of the excellent optical qualities that characterize them also for terrestrial or naturalistic observations. However, as is well known, the images that a telescope returns to the observer's eyes are reversed. Observing and using a telescope in terrestrial environments would therefore be complicated and inconvenient. With the prismatic diagonal at 45 ° with a straightened image, however, it will be possible to use your instrument for naturalistic and terrestrial observations, just as if you were using a normal telescope. The Auriga image rectifier features a high quality Amici prism composed of BaK4 glass and with all surfaces treated with effective anti-reflective coatings, all to ensure maximum transmissibility and minimize the loss of brightness and contrast modulation. The Auriga image straightener prism fits comfortably into all the 31.8mm couplings already present as standard on refractors and catadioptric telescopes. This instrument cannot be used with Newtonian type telescopes and therefore not with Dobsonian ones. Compatible eyepieces are all those with a barrel diameter of 31.8mm. The tightening system is guaranteed by the tested block system through a brass ring guided by an ergonomic and resistant screw. As already illustrated, this diagonal is not compatible with telescopes equipped with a Newtonian scheme.