Celestron EclipSmart Solar Filter for 70mm Rifractor Scopes

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Code produit: CSCE94221-DS EAN: 50234942218
Prix €22,00 EUR TVA incluse
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Filtre solaire EclipSmart pour tubes optiques Celestron diamètre 70mm.

The EclipSmart solar filter instantly transforms regular Celestron 70mm diameter telescopes such as Powerseeker 70Az, Powerseeker 70EQ and Travelscope 70 into white light solar telescopes.

The anti-scratch protective polymer produced by American Paper Optics allows direct solar observation and complies with ISO standards for eye protection from sunlight.

The shape of the plastic support is obtained directly from the protective cap of Celestron 70mm diameter refractor telescopes to allow a perfect fit without the risk of sudden filter leakage. The three screws allow perfect tightening on the filter's lens hood tube and the specific internal cap allows you to protect the filter during transport or when the telescope is not used.

EclipSmart sunscreens are equipped with “Solar Safe” technology which provides maximum protection from harmful solar radiation, including IR and UV light and filters 99.999% of visible light. Celestron Solar Safe technology is SAFE and GUARANTEED for direct solar observation and has been independently tested by SAI Global Assurance Services. Products with "Solar Safe" technology comply and meet the transmission requirements of ISO 12312-2, filters for direct observation of the Sun, EN 1836: 2005 + A1: 2007 (E) for an E15 filter for observation direct sunlight and, AS / NZS 1338.1: 2012, eye protection filters.

Apertura a Tutta Luce 42mm
Diametro Esterno 105.1mm
Diametro interno 100.6mm
Materiale Polimerico prodotto da American Paper Optics
Spessore 23mm
Compatibilità Powerseeker 70Az, Powerseeker 70EQ e Travelscope 70
Peso 29 grammi

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