Optolong Filtre L-eNhance 2"
Le filtre Optolong L-eNhance a été spécialement conçu pour les caméras couleur CMOS / CCD et DSLR. Les caractéristiques spéciales du L-eNhance permettent aux astronomes amateurs d'obtenir d'excellents résultats en imagerie, même dans les cieux urbains dégradés par une pollution lumineuse importante, avec un seul filtre!
Optolong L-eNhance Filter - The revolution of interference filters
The spread of urbanization and light pollution are becoming an increasingly growing problem for amateur astronomers and astrophotographers in recent years.
Current solutions to the problem can be very expensive and usually include the purchase of a monochrome camera, different types of narrow-band filters and a filter wheel.
The L-eNhance filter is an economical and practical solution for all amateur astronomers.
Its double band-pass has been designed for DSLR (reflex), color CMOS and monochrome CCD cameras.
The convenience and the real cost of this filter allow astrophotographers to shoot a rich selection of astronomical objects, even in areas that are heavily polluted at a light level.
We believe that the development of this new L-eNhance filter is a technical innovation compared to other filters on the market.
This filter effectively isolates the emission lines of the nebulae in H-Alpha, H-Beta and OIII and reaches a maximum transmission of up to 90%.
The bandwidth cut is 10nm.
The performance of this filter delivers superb images with excellent control of light pollution.
Recommended for: Reducing light pollution, Increasing the contrast for emission nebulae, Saving processing time
Recommended use for: CMOS colors, DSLR, color or monochrome CCD cameras
Why choose it?
Optolong has chosen to create a filter with characteristics that respect the emission of most celestial bodies, eliminating light pollution from the image.