SkyWatcher APO Esprit 120 avec Aplatisseur

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Code produit: SWSKSED120 EAN: 8032539195140
Prix €3.699,00 EUR TVA incluse
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Télescope réfracteur apochromatique triple Esprit 120ED APO de 120 mm de diamètre, distance focale de 840 mm, f/7 et équipé d'un aplatisseur de champ, d'un étui rigide et d'accessoires.

Sky-Watcher has developed the line of 3-element apochromatic triplets to offer telescopes with unique characteristics compared to equivalent products. ESPRIT super APO triplets are designed for the most demanding astroimagers, but are also ideal for visual observations, which will offer unique images for color correction and definition, even on the most difficult subjects. The quality of these refractors is not only optical, but also mechanical for performance almost equal to the top of the range apochromatic refractors on the market.

The 3" LPF focuser with 1:11 gear ratio offers a high unit load capacity with excellent resistance in case of heavy loads and thanks to its generous diameter it offers better illumination than a classic 2" focuser. It has a load capacity of up to 5kg, is rotatable and thanks to a new design (metal sliding rails and oversized ball bearings), it allows smooth focusing, without jerks and bending. Adapters available for 50.8mm and 31.8mm eyepieces.

Retractable lens hood to make it compact and easy to carry.

Also supplied is an excellent corrector/flattener with M48 photographic fitting, for a perfectly flat field even on Full Frame sensors.

Equipped with a 2" dielectric diagonal treated with a high-reflectivity multilayer coating. In this way the effective reflection is 99% (normal diagonals generally reflect about 90% of the incident light). Includes 2"-1.25" adapter with self-centering ring. Threaded to accommodate 2" filters.

The excellent equipment is completed by a 9x50 90° finderscope with double rings, a 28mm eyepiece with a diameter of 50.8mm, rings with a 75mm slide and a specially designed rigid case.

Tipologia Rifrattore Apocromatico
Schema Ottico Tripletto Apocromatico ED con spianatore di campo
Diametro 120 mm
Lunghezza Focale 840 mm
Rapporto Focale f/7
Ingrandimento max. 240x
Trattamento Trattamento antiriflesso
Fuocheggiatore 3″ dual speed ruotabile con riduzione 1:11 e adattatori  50,8/31,8mm
Peso 9,6 kg (solo OTA)
Oculari ed accessori: Correttore/spianatore con raccordo M48, diagonale 50,8mm dielettrico, anelli, slitta 75mm  e valigia rigida.
Cercatore 9×50 a 90°

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