SkyWatcher Maksutov 90/1250 CQ40

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Code produit: SWSK90MCQ40 EAN: 8032539196796
Prix €369,00 EUR TVA incluse
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Télescope Sky-Watcher Maksutov Cassegrain 90/1250 sur monture Sky-Watcher CQ40.

Sky-Watcher CQ40 Maksutov Cassegrain telescope with 90mm diameter and 1250mm focal length on Sky-Watcher CQ40 equatorial mount.

The Maksutov Cassegrain optics of the Sky-Watcher CQ40 telescope with 90mm diameter and 1250mm focal length (f/14) provides sharp images, free of chromatic aberration and free of spherical aberration thanks to the Mak corrector. Ideal instrument for high-resolution observations of Solar System objects and double stars. The compact size makes it easy to carry, ideal for observations of planets and the Moon.

The load capacity of the Sky-Watcher CQ40 mount is equal to 4Kg compared to a weight of only 1Kg. The Sky-Watcher CQ40 mount is characterized by a latitude adjustment range from 0° to 72° and an efficient worm screw – crown gear system. Adjustable aluminum tripod with accessory tray included.

Schema Ottico Maksutov Cassegrain
Diametro 90mm
Rapporto Focale f/14
Ingrandimento Max 180X
Magnitudine limite 12.5
Range Latitudine 0° – 72°
Capacità Carico Montatura 4Kg

Oculari 1.25″ Super 25mm e 10mm

Cercatore a punto rosso

Diagonale 31.8mm a 90°

Treppiede in alluminio

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