SkyWatcher Newton Explorer 130 EQ2

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Code produit: SWSK1309EQ2 EAN: 8032539190251
Prix €339,00 EUR TVA incluse
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Le SkyWatcher N 130/900 Explorer EQ-2 est un instrument qui bénéficie d’une optique tout à fait raisonnable pour les débutants. Il est en effet muni d’un diamètre d’ouverture de 130 mm, et supporte l’observation de la Lune et des corps célestes suivants : les planètes, les nébuleuses, et les galaxies.

Thanks to the good diameter of the 130mm mirror it is possible to observe not only planets and the Moon with high magnification but also the brightest objects of the deep sky such as nebulae, galaxies and star clusters. It includes several accessories such as 2 eyepieces, Barlow lens and finder but can be enhanced with much more, for example by adding the Retta ascension engine to have the automatic tracking of the object pointed.

Newton Explorer telescope with 130mm diameter, focal length 900mm on equatorial EQ2 mount and height adjustable aluminum tripod, eyepieces diam. 31.8 Super 25mm (36X) and Super 10mm (90X), 2X barlow lens, 5X24 finder (optional AO1000 or AO2000 motorization).

Schema Ottico Riflettore Newtoniano
Diametro 130 mm
Lunghezza Focale 900 mm
Rapporto Focale f/6,9
Ingrandimento max. 260x
Trattamento Alluminatura specchi
Montatura Equatoriale EQ2
Treppiede In alluminio regolabile
Peso totale 22 Kg
Oculari ed accessori Super 25 mm (36X),  Super 10 mm (90X),
barilotto da  31.8 mm, lente di barlow 2x, motorizzazione AO1000 o AO2000 opzionale
Cercatore 5×24

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