Kowa TE-11WZ II Zoom Okular

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Produktcode: KOKW-TE-11WZII EAN: 4580614170901
Normaler Preis €699,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.
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Weitwinkel-Zoom-Okular für die Spektivserien TSN-99 / TSN-880 und TSN-770

  • Wide-angle zoom eyepiece for the spotting scope series TSN-99 / TSN-880 and TSN-770
  • 25-60x magnification on TSN-883/884/773/774 spotting scopes 30-70x on TSN-99A and TSN-99S spotting scopes
  • Very well suited for digiscoping
  • Generous eye relief and twist-up eyecup, thus also very suitable for spectacle wearers
  • Stepless and smokeless zoom adjustment

A first for any KOWA eyepiece, the optical construction of the TE-11WZ II contains 2XD-lenses.Images are delivered with outstanding sharpness even at 60X / 70X magnification.Chromatic aberration is limited at the highest level. Eye relief of 17mm remains constant throughout the magnification range. The TE-11WZ II delivers a 20% wider field of view than the previous model (TE-10Z)

25-60x when paired with TSN-880 / TSN-770 series
30-70x when paired with TSN-99 series

Suitable for the following Kowa spotting scopes:
TSN -771*, TSN-772*, TSN-773, TSN-774, TSN-881*, TSN-882*, TSN-883, TSN-884, TSN-99A, TSN-99S, Telephoto lens**

* Product no longer available
** Requires TP-88EC1 prism adapter

Eye Relief: 17.0mm
Magnification: TSN-99: 30-70x Wide Zoom | TSN-880/770: 25-60x Wide Zoom 
Field of view (degree): TSN-99: 2.0 - 1.13 | TSN-880/770: 2.4 - 1.32
Field of view at 1000m: TSN-99: 35-20m | TSN-880/770: 42-23m
Exit Pupil Diameter: TSN-99: 3.3-1.4mm | TSN-880/770: 3.5-1.5mm
Relative Brightness: TSN-99: 10.9-2.0 | TSN-880/770: 12.3-2.3
Twilight Factor: TSN-99: 51.4-78.6 | TSN-880/770: 46.9-72.7

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