Pentax XL 8-24 Zoom Okular

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Produktcode: PEX70509 EAN: 27075048737
Normaler Preis €549,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.
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Okular SMC XL 8-24mm (JIS-KLasse 4, witterungsbeständig)

The smc Zoom eyepiece features a magnification range of 20-60X, an apparent field of view of 38 to 60 degrees, and an eye relief of 20mm. Like all PENTAX eyepieces, it is renowned for its outstanding image reproduction. With its JIS Class 4 rated waterproof and fog proof construction, this Zoom eyepiece is ideal for use with 1 1/4" focuser on astronomical telescopes.

Compatible with the following: PF-65 and PF-65 ED II series spotting scopes, PF-80 series spotting scopes, PF-100 series spotting scopes.

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