SkyWatcher Evostar 120/1000

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Produktcode: SWSKBK1201 EAN: 8032539195072
Normaler Preis €455,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.
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Achromatisches Dublett-Teleskop mit 120 mm Durchmesser, 1000 mm Brennweite (f/8,3) mit Zubehör. Ideal für die Beobachtung des Mondes, der Planeten und Deep-Sky-Objekte.

The Sky-Watcher Evostar 120/1000 optical tube is an achromatic refractor with a 120mm diameter and a focal length of 1000mm. The large diameter allows it to collect much more light, making it easier to observe fainter objects. A very respectable lens with good features and quality, within everyone's reach given its very low price.

The long focal length of this Sky-Watcher Evostar allows you to improve and increase the resolving power of this versatile and lightweight instrument, it can be used in both deep-sky and planetary cases, both visual and photographic.

Tipologia Rifrattore acromatico
Schema Ottico Doppietto acromatico
Diametro 120 mm
Lunghezza Focale 1000 mm
Rapporto Focale f/8,3
Ingrandimento max. 240x
Trattamento Antiriflesso
Fuocheggiatore Crayford 50,8 / 31,8
Peso 6,4 kg
Oculari ed accessori oculare 2″ LET 28mm (35x), diagonale a specchio 90° 50,8mm con adattatore 31,8mm.
Cercatore 9×50

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