Celestron Astromaster 114 EQ - MD Smart

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Code produit: CSCE32042 EAN: 50234320429
Prix €329,00 EUR TVA incluse
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Un instrument compact adapté aux observations astronomiques, équipé d'optiques de qualité 114 mm et d'une monture équatoriale avec moteur AR pour suivre plus facilement le mouvement apparent des corps célestes. Adaptateur pour smartphone également inclus pour capturer de belles images de la Lune et des planètes.

Short tube Newtonian reflector instrument mounted on an equatorial mount and on a solid steel tripod. The equatorial mount is convenient for tracking celestial objects even when observing at high magnifications. The mount is in fact equipped with a motor to be connected to the RA axis and can be activated to allow automatic tracking, after polar alignment, of celestial objects.

The diameter of 114 mm also allows you to observe hundreds of lunar craters, the phases of Venus, the chiaroscuro on the surface of Mars, the satellites and cloud belts of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn. It also allows you to separate the components of many double stars and, on the best nights, to observe dozens of star clusters and nebulae.

Thanks to the included universal smartphone adapter, you can photograph many celestial objects directly from your smartphone. The adapter is compatible with most smartphones on the market; it is in fact fully adjustable and can adapt to any device, usually with the cover too. Even larger smartphones like the iPhone 8 Plus and the latest Samsung Galaxy devices, for example, work flawlessly and are compatible without size and weight problems. With a weight of only 170.1g, this universal smartphone adapter will accompany you in shooting and sharing spectacular images of the Moon and major planets, such as Jupiter or Saturn. It will be possible to photograph the rings of Saturn, the craters of the Moon and even the phases of Venus!

Schema Ottico Riflettore Newton compatto
Diametro 114 mm
Lunghezza Focale 1000 mm
Rapporto Focale f/8.8
Trattamento specchi Alluminatura
Montatura Equatoriale CG-3 con movimenti micrometrici
manuali e motore in AR per inseguimento.
Treppiede In acciaio, preassemblato regolabile,
vassoio porta-accessori
 Peso totale  12.4 Kg
Oculari 20mm (50x) , 10mm (100x) diam. 31,8mm
Cercatore StarPointer a punto rosso
Altro Motore AR, adattatore universale smartphone

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