Midland G7 PRO Mimetic
Le meilleur G7 de tous
Après des années de succès, le glorieux MIDLAND G7 - l’émetteur-récepteur le plus apprécié de tous les amateurs d’activités de plein air et qui allie à la perfection simplicité et efficacité - est renouvelé et de nouveau dans la version PRO G7.
After many years of success the glorious MIDLAND G7 the transceiver most appreciated by fans of outdoor activities and the perfect combination of simplicity and efficiency – renovates and arises in new version device that guarantees years of good performances and is an excellent technological solution to communicate in many situations: in professional activities or in leisure time. new and modern design is the novelty that most affects at a first sight, as well as the wider LCD display, where all the icons and the activated functions can be clearly seen
Thanks to the new case, the radio can be powered in 4 different ways Besides the NiMH battery pack, the rechargeable or alkaline batteries, G7 PRO can also use the new (optional) Li-Ion 1200 battery pack PB-PRO (cod. C1148) that makes the radio 20% lighter also the technological core of the radio has been totally renewed so as to improve the functions, the versatility and the performances. Dual PTT allows to transmit in high or low power so as to prolong the battery life; besides the function eliminates the annoying rustle at the end of transmissions (this is possible if you communicate with the other radios that are equipped with the same function).has been considerably improved to guarantee clearer conversations. The new case is equipped with an easy access in the battery compartment to facilitate any technical check.
PMR (446.00625 - 446.09375)
PMR (1-8)
38 CTCSS - 104 DCS
Output power
PMR446 500/10mW ERP (high/low) LPD 10mW
Export Version
3 Watt
Hi/Lo power
Splash proof
Big LCD display
Double PTT
Dual Watch
Keypad lock
Roger Beep
yes - 6 selectable levels
yes + vibracall