SkyWatcher Evolux 62ED + Reducer/Flattener
La nouvelle série Evolux ED se caractérise par son nouveau design, des améliorations mécaniques remarquables et une compacité inégalée, sans pour autant renoncer aux qualités optiques typiques des réfracteurs apochromatiques ED Evostar dont cette nouvelle série est inspirée.
Sky-Watcher Evolux 62ED optical tube, an entirely new product that follows the successful Evostar ED series, but which brings with it a small revolution in the world of astronomy and astrophotography.
The new Evolux ED series is characterized by its new design, remarkable mechanical improvements and unmatched compactness, without however renouncing the optical qualities typical of the ED Evostar apochromatic refractors from which this new series is inspired.
The use of a new 2.4 "(61mm) focuser guarantees a significantly greater load capacity compared to the telescopes of the Evostar ED series, with therefore greater stability and precision in focusing operations.
The retractable hood and the collar connected directly to the Vixen-type tube and dovetail bar make the Evolux ED series the most compact of all the refracting telescopes in the Sky-Watcher catalog. The feeling is to have in your hands a solid and compact product with refined finishes characterized by the green livery now a consolidated feature of Sky-Watcher products.
The optical qualities are guaranteed by the decades of experience of the Sky-Watcher brand and by the undisputed success of the Evostar ED and Esprit APO series, from which this new line of optical tubes draws inspiration. However, the type of low dispersion ED glass used is completely different from the existing series and it was therefore necessary to revolutionize the design of the optical scheme, in particular the lens curvatures and the shape factors. The optical treatments are the same now consolidated in the Sky-Watcher brand production.
The native focal length of 400mm and the relative focal ratio of f / 6.4 make the Evolux 62ED an already versatile and bright instrument, especially for astrophotography. The ability to reduce the focal length to 360mm with the dedicated reducer and flattener allows you to further reduce the focal ratio to a value of well f / 5.5, making the Evolux 62ED a very bright instrument characterized by a flat field with therefore point stars up to sensor edges of your camera.
On the collar there are two mini-Vixen couplings, ideal for connecting both the finder and a possible guide tube in parallel to the optical tube. Since they are positioned directly on the collar, the balance of the instrument will always be guaranteed.
The instrument is supplied with a rigid aluminum case, 0.9x dedicated flattener/reducer and field rotator.
Tipologia | Rifrattore Apocromatico |
Schema Ottico | Doppietto Apocromatico ED |
Diametro | 62 mm |
Lunghezza Focale | 400 mm |
Rapporto Focale | f/6.4 |
Ingrandimento max. | 150x |
Trattamento | Trattamento antiriflesso |
Fuocheggiatore | 2.6″ dual speed con riduzione 1:10 |
Peso | N/D |
DOTAZIONE | Valigia rigida. Riduttore/spianatore e riduttore di campo. |