SkyWatcher Maksutov Skymax 180
Thanks to the use of prestigious low-dispersion glasses and careful workmanship, this telescope with a 180mm diameter (the largest in the series) offers great observations of double stars and solar system objects. The optics also perform well in deep sky thanks to the high contrast offered (the use of wide-angle eyepieces is recommended). With this model, Sky-Watcher sets a new benchmark in the Maksutov Cassegrain category.
Thanks to the diameter of 180mm, this powerful, yet compact Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope offers the best performance obtainable from a telescope of this optical design in its price range! The particular optical scheme offers the best performance in planetary observation and photography, where it is necessary to generate high magnifications while maintaining the highest possible contrast. The planets and the Moon show a lot of fine details, but you can also use this SkyWatcher MAK180 for observing faint objects, the stars will truly appear like pinpricks!
The Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 180 is the ideal instrument for planetary and lunar photography as it offers a small secondary and therefore low obstruction. Furthermore, thanks to a high focal length (2700mm), a 2x Barlow lens is sufficient to obtain, with any planetary camera, exceptional magnification with incredible images displayed on your computer screen.
Tipologia | Riflettore Catadiottrico |
Schema Ottico | Maksutov Cassegrain |
Diametro | 180 mm |
Lunghezza Focale | 2700 mm |
Rapporto Focale | f/15 |
Ingrandimento max. | 360x |
Trattamento | Alluminatura specchi ed Antiriflesso |
Fuocheggiatore | 50,8 |
Peso | 8 kg |
Oculari ed accessori: | Oculare 28mm (96X) da 50,8mm, diagonale a specchio 90° da 50,8mm con riduttore 31,8, attacco a coda di rondine 45mm |
Cercatore | 9×50 |